Want a SAFE and EFFECTIVE pre and post-natal workout?
Want easy delivery? Want your pre-pregnant body back?
Jennifer Gianni’s Fusion Pilates for Pre & Post Natal DVD Series is a comprehensive, safe, and effective solution for your fitness needs before, during, and after pregnancy. The four DVD’s in this great series are designed to keep women fit and safe before, through all stages.
Even though it has been more than a year since my Elliot was born and with no pregnancy planning in sight, I found the triple threat to be an more than intense workout on my overall body. While working along with the dvd I realized just how stiff my body really was. The next day I felt like I had attached my hands and legs to ropes and said pull. After workout too this had lessened and I felt like even my daily movements were more limber and smooth. I plan to continue working the Fusion Pilates Triple Treat two times a week to help regain some balance in my overall stance.
My favorite DVD of this collection is Exercising with Baby. Even at age one Elliot is still a willing participant and enjoys this time with mom. Now he is 23 pounds at this point and some of the activities can be harder than when starting with a newborn. If I could go back in time, this would be at the top of my must have list for the baby shower. It is really a fun workout for mom and baby.

The DVD set overall were nicely instructional. I did not feel pushed past any typical workout limits. In fact this would be ideal for a beginner.
BUY IT: Purchase Jennifer Gianni’s Fusion Pilates DVD(s) each or as a set of four directly fromhttp://fusionpilates.com.