Secret Southern Couture: Bloggers Wanted ~ Win This Bag Giveaway Event   

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bloggers Wanted ~ Win This Bag Giveaway Event

GIVEAWAY DATES: June 26th – August 7th, 2012
Weekly Giveaway (5 weeks / 5 bags): One (1) Designer Handbag each week for 5 weeks
Grand Prize Giveaway: One (1) coveted Designer Handbag in week six (6)
Bag Types: Recognizable designer handbags such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Fendi, or a barely used designer handbag previously worn by celebrities and tastemakers.
Giveaway Announcements: Weekly bag brands will be announced one (1) week prior to
Week Four Bag:
Gucci red leather hobo bag supplied by DoubleTake Consignment
Boutique. This bag will be announced to contestants on Tuesday, July 24th
RV $1500!
By signing up you are agreeing to post the last 3 weeks of amazing bag giveaways! HTML will be emailed to you on Sundays. Each new giveaway starts Tuesday at 1201am.

To join:please add your information here

You must be a Mom Blog Society member to participate. Joining this amazing blogging nextwork is free; and click the signup link in the top right hand corner.
If you have any questions please email or